
最近、意趣変えしてレトロゲームのブログにしました。Show you how to make a styrene sheet airplane model.

Type93-K5Y1 (5)Assembling the upper main wing and horizontal stabilizers

Putting the upper main wing on the struts of lower wings.

Bracing wires, which are expressed by cut a sheet of styrene whose width is 4mm, are colored with a black water-based acrylic pen. However, due to the production of the model, the width of bracing wires on the back side are 3mm. In addition, the supports for the back wires  are expressed diagonally. The actual airplane has the same structure.

When the upper wing is mounted, the shape has become an airplane-like!
The horizontal stabilizer is attached to the body with some angle to omit lower struts. This part is different from the actual aircraft, but I thought that this mounting method is the best way to express an airplane which has just taken off.

Now, the last stage is to make a propeller, main landing gears and a tail wheel. (To be surprised, this trainer plane has a real tail wheel, not a sliding plate!)